E-ENERGY: the new frontier of smart and eco-friendly charging

In recent years, the possibility of combining technological innovation with environmental protection has taken centre stage, not only for consumers but also for manufacturers of technological accessories.

Faced with the increasing demand for electronic devices and more efficient and high-performance products, especially in terms of renewable energy, SBS has developed e-ENERGY, a line dedicated to smart and eco-friendly charging accessories, to offer the market a convenient and sustainable solution wherever you are. Portable charging stations, power banks and solar panels designed to fit every lifestyle and device.

"A new power for the future is the claim that best represents this line", explains Marco Visconti, Marketing and Product Director. "With e-ENERGY we wanted to create products dedicated to those who enjoy outdoor activities - and more - with the comfort of home".

The e-ENERGY line looks to the future and for this reason we have further expanded the range of accessories while maintaining the primary objective: to guarantee our consumer target group the best charging experience, even in the absence of a traditional power outlet.

"New, even more powerful solar-powered charging stations and chargers have been created to meet the charging needs of any device, wherever our consumers are," explains Alessio Trisconi, Product Manager for SBS's Energy business.

From charging stations to portable solar panels, power and energy efficiency are, therefore, the distinguishing features of this line.

The 200W, 300W and 600W portable charging stations allow you to fully and simultaneously charge different types of devices wherever you are, while also offering a reliable source of light in emergency situations, thanks to the three modes: fixed, flash and SOS.
The 10W, 30W and 100W Solar Panels are foldable and compact and recharge devices in a smart and eco-friendly way through solar power. They also have a practical compartment for storing charging devices.

The development of these new lines is a reflection of SBS's commitment to offer smart and eco-friendly charging solutions to increasingly discerning consumers, through products that are safer as well as more powerful and energy-efficient.
Ensuring a connected life in harmony with the environment is the mission of the e-ENERGY line, a range in which technological innovation, sustainability and efficiency coexist.