SBS awarded among the top 100 sustainable companies in Italy

SBS is one of the 100 most sustainable companies in Italy and is among the 50 companies with the greatest ESG rating increases compared to 2021.

Our environmental and social commitment is certified by the Sustainability Award, a prestigious recognition promoted by Kon Group and Credit Suisse to Italian entrepreneurs who have demonstrated that they are pursuing a sustainable, inclusive and stable growth, creating value also for the community.

The two promoters, Kon Group - a leading Italian operator in business and financial consultancy for businesses - and Credit Suisse - one of the world’s leading banks that for years has been promoting sustainable investments - have identified, by means of self-assessment questionnaires, the companies that stood out the most for sustainability and assigning them an ESG rating issued by Altis Alta Scuola Impresa e Società of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and by Reprisk. Sustainability Award, in the official press release released following the awards gala, announced that in this second edition the average ESG rating has grown by around 100% and all companies have improved their performance.

“This award fills us with pride. - comments Marco Visconti, SBS Marketing and Product Director - We have made sustainability our strategic mission by carrying out, in recent years, valuable projects aimed at reducing the environmental impact in a tangible, concrete and measurable way. The implementation of sustainable, environmental, social and governance strategies has not only allowed us to be included in the 100 most sustainable Italian companies, but also in the 50 most virtuous that have improved their rating compared to last year“.